Eğitim Öğretim İle İlgili Belgeler > Soru Bankası Test Soruları > İngilizce Dersi İle İlgili Test Soruları Soru Bankası
60-O kadar çok yalan söylediki artık arkadaşları ona ne güvenebiliyor ne de söylediği şeylere inanıyorlar.
A)He has lost both the trust and understanding of his friends through his persistent telling of lies.
B)Had he not told so many lies, his friends may still have trusted him and believed in him.
C)Because he tells so many lies, it is difficult for his friends either to trust him or to believe anything he says any longer.
D)He has told so many lies that his friends can neither trust him nor believe anything he says any longer.
E)As a result of his incessant lying, his friends can no longer trust him, nor can they believe anything he says.
61-Denize kıyısı olan hemen tüm ülkelerin bir biçimde sahil koruma servisleri vardır.
A)Nearly all countries with coastlines have some form of coast guard service.
B)All countries, except for landlocked ones, have their coastlines protected by a special police.
C)Any country with a coast should employ a coast guard service.
D)Coast guard services operate in most countries with coastlines.
E)If a country has a coastline, it should invest in some form of coast guard service.
62-Çiğ kahve uzunsüre dayanır ancak kavbrulmuş yada öğütülmüş kahve, havcayla temas ettiği takdirde, tadını ve güzel kokusunu hemen yitirir.
A)Green coffee keeps for a long time, while roasted and ground coffee quickly loses flavour and aroma if exposed to the air.
B)Unlike green coffee beans, which keep for a long time, roasted and ground coffee beans lose their flavour and aroma rapidly if exposed to the air.
C)Exposure to air makes roasted and ground coffee quickly lose its flavour, but green coffee can be kept for a long time.
D)Once green coffee has been roasted and ground, it loses both Its flavour and aroma quickly if exposed to air, but in its green form it keeps a long time.
E)Green coffee beans can be kept for longer than they can after they have been roasted and ground, when they lose their flavour and aroma quickly.
63-Yolculara, uçağın kalkışı ve inişi sırasında sigara içmemeleri ve kemerlerini bağlı tutmaları söylenir.
A)Seat-belts should be fastened for take-off and landing, during which passengers are also requested not to smoke.
B)The flight attendants tell the passengers not to smoke and ask them to fasten their seat-belts during the plane's take-off and landing.
C)It is essential that passengers keep their seat-belts fastened during the plane's take-off and landing and passengers are also advised not to smoke.
D)Passengers are instructed not to smoke and to keep their seat-belts fastened during the plane's take-off and landing (bilgi yelpazesi.net).
E)There is a no-smoking policy on the plane and passengers are instructed to keep their seat-belts fastened for take-off and landing.
64-Katherine Mansfteld'in eserlerinin çoğu, kendi yaşamında olayları ve mekanları yansıtmaktadır.
A)Incidents and scenes from her own interesting life are often reflected in Katherine Mansfield's novels.
B)Katherine Mansfield made the most of her own experiences by using them in her works.
C)Katherine Mansfield wrote about most of the incidents and scenes from her life.
D)Katherine Mansfield's works are mostly reflections of incidents and scenes from her own short life.
E)Most of Katherine Mansfield's works reflect incidents and scenes from her own life.
65-Radyumun en yaygın kullanılan biçimleri, başlıca kullanım alanları kanser tedavisi olan, radyum klorid ye radyum bromid gibi tuzlardır.
A)Cancer can be treated with radium, whose most commonly used forms are radium chloride and radium bromide.
B)When it is in the form a such salts as radium chloride or radium bromide, radium is a primary treatment of cancer.
C)The most commonly used forms of radium are such salts as radium chloride and radium bromide, whose primary use is in the treatment of cancer.
D)Radium in the form of the salts radium chloride and radium bromide are most commonly used in the primary care of cancer patients.
E)The most significant use of radium, usually in the form of radium chloride and radium bromide, is in the treatment of cancer.
66-Tüm kuzey yarımkürede, bazıları belki de 40 milyon yaşında olan, fosilleşmiş üzüm yaprakları, çekirdekleri ve sapları bulunmuştur.
A)Some of the fossils of grape leaves, seeds and stems which have been found in the Northern Hemisphere appear to be from 40 million years ago.
B)Fossilised leaves, seeds and stems of grapes, some of them perhaps 40 million years old, have been found throughout the Northern Hemisphere.
C)40-million-year old fossils of grape leaves, stems and seeds have been found scattered throughout the Northern Hemisphere.
D)It's clear from the fossilised leaves, seeds and stems found in the Northern Hemisphere that grapes first appeared about 40 million years ago.
E)Some of the fossilised leaves, seeds and stems of grapes which have been found throughout the Northern Hemisphere are probably 40 million years old.
67-We'll have no financial hardships provided that all of our members regularly pay their dues.
A)Maddi sıkıntı çekmememiz için tüm üyelerimizin aidatlarını düzenli olarak vermeleri gerekir.
B)Üyelerimizin hepsi düzenli aidat ödemediği için maddi sıkıntı çekiyoruz.
C)Maddi sıkıntılarımızı aşmak için tüm üyelerimizin düzenli olarak aidat ödemesi koşulunu getirdik.
D)Maddi skıntılarımızı aşmanın tek koşulu, üyelerimizin hepsinin düzenli aidat ödemesidir.
E)Tüm üyelerimiz düzenli olarak aidadarını ödedikleri takdirde hiçbir maddi sıkıntımız kalmaz.
68-At the University of San Francisco, where there are also a significant number of foreign students, female students outnumber males.
A)San Francisco Üniversitesinde yabancı kız öğrenci sayısı erkek öğrenci sayısına henüz tam olarak ulaşamamıştır.
B)San Francisco Üniversitesinde bulunan çok sayıda yabancı öğrenci arasında, bayanların sayısı erkek öğrencilerin sayısıyla neredeyse eşittir.
C)Önemli sayıda yabancı öğrencinin de bulunduğu San Francisco Üniversitesinde, bayan öğrenciler sayıca erkeklerden üstündür.
D)Bayan öğrencilerin sayıca üstün olduğu San Francisco Üniversitesinde, erkek öğrencilerin büyük bir bülümü yabancıdır.
E)San Francisco Üniversitesine devam eden yabancı öğrencilerin önemli bir bölümü erkektir ama genel olarak kız öğrencilerin sayısı fazladır.
69-The value of an old coin is determined not by its age but by its scarcity, its condition, and the demand for it.
A)Eski bir rnadeni paranın degeri yaşıyla değil , nadir olusu , durumu ve ona olan taleple belirlenir.
B)Eski bir madeni paranın değerini yaşı kadar, az bulunur olması, durumu ve ona olan talep de etkiler.
C)Madeni bir paranın değerini belirlerken sadece yaşı değil , durumu, ender olup olmadıgı ve ona olan talep de göz önüne alınır.
D)Eski bir madeni paranm dğerini belirlemede önemli olan yaşı değil , durumu , az olusu ve ona olan taleptir.
E)Madeni bir paranın eski olması onun degerli oldugu anlamına gelmez çünkü durumu ve ona olan talep gibi etkilerde de önemlidir.
70-Due to the shortage of some essential raw materials, the factory had to reduce its production by half.
A)Temel hammaddelerin bulunmasında biraz sıkıntı çekildigi için fabrika yarı kapasiteyle üretim yapıyor.
B)Bazı temel hammaddelerdeki sıkıntı yüzünden fabrika üretimini yarıya indirmek zorunda kaldı.
C)Fabrikanın üretimini yarıya indirmek zorunda kalmasının nedeni temel hammaddelerde duyulan sıkıntıdır.
D)Fabrikayı üretimi yarıya indirmeye zorlayan temel neden hammadde bulmada çekilen sıkıntıydı.
E)Bir kaç temel hammaddenin bulunamaması fabrikayi yarı kapasiteyle üretime zorladı.
71-Eating a balanced diet and taking regular exercise help increase your resistance against diseases.
A)Hastalıklara karşı direnç kazanmak için dengeli beslenmeli ve düzenli egzersiz yapmalısınız.
B)Dengeli beslenen ve düzenli egzersiz yapanlar, hastalıklara karşı daha dirençli olurlar.
C)Hastalıklara karşı direncinizi arttırmada en büyük yardımcınız, dengeli beslenmek ve düzenli egzersiz yapmaktır.
D)Dengeli beslenmek ve düzenli egzersiz yapmak , hastalıklara karşı direncinizi arttırmaya yardımcı olur.
E)Dengeli beslenir ve düzenli egersiz yaparsanız, hastalıklara karşı daha dirençli olursunuz.
72-In order to evaluate the newly-uncovered evidence, the defence demanded the adjournment of the court.
A)Duruşmanın ertelenmesini talep eden savunma,dururnunu kuvvetlendirecek yeni kanıtlar bulmaya çalışıyor.
B)Yeni kanıtlar bulma çabasi içinde olan savunma,duruşmanın ileri bir tarihe alınmasını istedi.
C)Savumma,yeni açığa çıkan kanıtları değerlendirmek için duruşmanın ertelenmesini talep etti.
D)Yeni ortaya çıkan kanıtları incelemek isteyen savunma,duruşmanın ileri bir tarihte yapılmasını istiyor.
E)Duruşma ertelenince savunma, yeni açıga çıkmış olan kanıtları degerlendirme fırsatı yakalamış oldu.
73-Our speed, a little above the limit, combined with the sudden stop of the car in front of us, made the crash unavoidable.
A)Hızımız biraz limitin üzerindeydi ve önümüzdeki araba da aniden durunca,carpışmayı önlemek imkansbızdı.
B)Limitin biraz üzerinde olan hızımız,önümüzdeki arabanın ani duruşu ile birleşince, çarpışmayı kaçınılmaz kıldı.
C)Hızımız limitin biraz üzerindeydi ama önümüzdeki araba aniden durmasaydı çarpışmayı kesinlikle önleyebilirdik.
D)Çarpışmayıi önleyemezdik çünkü biz biraz limitin üzerinde bir hızla gidiyorduk ve önümüzdeki araba çok ani durdu.
E)Carpışmayı kaçınılmaz yapan bizim hızımızın limitin biraz üzerinde oluşu degil ,önümüzdeki arabanın aniden durmasıydı.
74-In Santiago, as in any other Latin American city, the population is predominantly Roman Catholic.
A)Diğer herhangi bir Latin Amerika kentinde oldugu gibi, Santiago'da nüfus büyük ölçüde Katoliktir.
B)Latin Amerika'nın diger kentlerinin aksine, Santiago'nun nüfusu büyük oranda Katoliklerden oluşur.
C)Katolikligin hakim oldugu Santiago, bu yönüylee diger Latin Amerika kentlerinden ayrılır.
D)Diger tüm Latin Amerika kentlerinde oldugu gibi. Santiago'da da Katolikler çoğunluktadır.
E)Latin Amerika kentleri arasında Katolik nüfusun en yogun oldugu yer Santiago'dur.
75-You wake up with flu and a high fever, and know you will not be able to go to work and have to seek medical attention. Because a lot of people have been taking sick days without really being ill, your boss is suspicious of anyone calling in sick. Therefore, when you phone him, you say carefully:
A)Good morning Mr Green. I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well.
B)I know everyone else lies about being sick, but I really am ill!
C)How can you expect your employees to come to the office and work when they are really ill?
D)I don't expect you to believe me, but I've phoned you anyway to say that I'm not coming to work today as I have a bad stomach.
E)I’m afraid I have to go to the doctor’s because of bad flu and can’t tell you when I am likely to be able to return to work.
76-Unhappy with his young son's progress at school, Mark goes to see his teacher. Realising that tact is called for and that he should not seem to be criticising the school or the teacher, he carefully begins by saying:
A)I just can't agree with these fashionable new teaching methods you are experimenting with.
B)Back in the days when I was at school, the teachers cared more about us, and discipline was better at schools.
C)Someone as bright as my son would surely do better if he had a good teacher.
D)My son doesn't seem to be doing very well, and I wonder if you have any idea what the problem might be.
E)I'm really pleased with the way everything is going. Keep up the good work.
77-After years of training, Jan works as a free-lance book binder. She enjoys her job, but though she works hard, she makes very little money. One day a neighbour comes by and asks her to rebind an old book, obviously with no intention of paying. Offended that anyone would be so inconsiderate as to ask her to work for free, she says to her, quite angrily:
A)Of course. When would you like it?
B)Well, I'm afraid I'm a little busy this week. Would next week do?
C)Would you try to get out of paying a doctor or a lawyer who happened to be a neighbour?
D)What an interesting old book? Where did you get it?
E)I'm really glad I started doing this job. It's one of the most interesting things I have ever done.
78-You are working as a receptionist at the local telephone company. A very angry lady comes to complain about her service. Though there is nothing you can do except refer her to a person who deals with such matters, she continues to noisily outline her problems to you. You are losing patience, but you remember that you must always be polite to customers, so you say:
A)I must say that I agree with you. Our service really is terrible.
B),Do you think you could come back to tomorrow? We're awfully busy today.
C)If you will only be patient, Madam. I will put you in touch with the person who can help you.
D)I can't do anything about your problem at the moment. Madam. Come back when you've calmed down.
E)I once had a problem just like yours, but I had it taken care of because I was more polite and patient.
79-You have a chance meeting with a friend who was married a few months before. As she proudly tells you that she is expecting a baby and hoping for a boy, you notice that she is smoking. Realising that this is potentially dangerous for unborn babies, and not sure if she realises this, you say carefully to her:
A)Unless you stop smoking, you could have a baby with mental problems.
B)Haven't you heard of the harmful effects of smoking when you are pregnant? You should ask your doctor for advice.
C)Congratulations on getting married. I'm sorry I couldn't come to the wedding as I was visiting my grandmother then. who lives in another city.
D)Where have you been? You shouldn't let marriage spoil your social life. We are all missing you.
E)Why do you want a boy? I think little girls are much nicer.
80-You are in a large store when you notice a lady go out leaving her handbag behind. You pick it up and start to run after her with the intention of giving it back, when you are stopped by the store detective who accuses you of attempting to steal the bag. Knowing it looks bad, but confident of your innocence, you explain the situation:
A)I wasn't stealing this bag. I was just going to the cash desk to pay for it.
B)Excuse me. Sir. I'd like to report a stolen han4bag.
C)Take your hands off me! I'm innocent!
D)I was just going to give it back to the lady who forgot it. You can still catch her.
E)Someone must have left it here. It doesn't belong to me.
81-About five years ago, you were fired from a job. On reflection, you realise that you were treated fairly, and that at the time you were young and irresponsible. Having had more training and work experience since then, you have set up an interview (bilgi yelpazesi.net) for a good job, but are surprised to find the man interviewing you to be the same one who fired you from the other job. Certain that he has recognised you, but eager to assure him that you've improved, you say:
A)I wouldn't expect to see you here! How are your wife and children?
B)You treated me really unfairly that time. You shouldn’t be in charge of anything.
C)Everybody seems to change jobs these days. I never expected to see you here.
D)What are you doing here? Did you get fired too?
E)People can change, and I hope to prove to you that I have.
82-It's hard to believe, but now that I have finally retired, I wish I had more to do.
A)It's not easy to believe that I used to have to do such a lot before I retired.
B)I have a funny feeling that I should have more to do even though I am no longer working.
C)I cannot believe that I am tired again although I have so little to do.
D)Surprisingly, after staring my retirement at last, I'm not enjoying having so little to do.
E) It is unbelievable that I have finally retired and have nothing to do.
83-We should allow at least an extra hour to get there because of the holiday traffic.
A)Because the traffic is always terrible on holidays, I suggest leaving at least an hour before the scheduled time.
B)Why don't we leave a few hours later than most holiday-makers so that we don't get stuck in heavy traffic.
C)The traffic is bad because of the holiday, so we must expect to take no less than an hour more than the normal time.
D)Everyone seems to be taking a holiday so we should get there with an extra hour to spare in this light traffic.
E)If it weren't a holiday today, we wouldn't have to leave an hour before the normal time.
84-Essentially, there are two ways of solving this problem, but the question is, which one will provide the ideal solution for us.
A)While we basically have two ways to solve the problem, we should decide on the one offering a better result.
B)It is essential that we solve this problem one way or another, so let's choose one way and start.
C)Whether this problem can be essentially solved in one of the two available ways is questionable.
D)We must question the solution to this problem, or we may regret it later if we haven't taken the right step.
E)No matter how simple it may seem, there are always two sides to every story.
85-Economists predict an increase in unemployment in the coming year.
A)If the economic conditions continue like this, more people will be without jobs next year.
B)The number of people without jobs will continue to increase the following year.
C)Economists think that unemployment will be greater in the next year.
D)Economists try to estimate what the unemployment rate will be next year.
E)According to economists, there may be an unemployment problem in the near future.
86-We wouldn't buy a house in a neighbourhood like that no matter how cheap it was.
A)Though houses were very cheap there, we didn't want to buy one.
B)We wanted a house there, but we were being too careful with our money to buy it.
C)It did not matter whether it was a nice neighbourhood or not, because the houses were so cheap.
D)We were thinking about buying a house there until we realised how bad the neighbourhood was.
E)Though houses may be cheap to buy there, it is not a place we would ever consider living in.
87-Scarcely had he returned from abroad, when he had to go on another extended business trip.
A)His business trip abroad was extended because people like him were scarce.
B)As soon as he got back, business took him overseas again for a long time.
C)After returning from abroad, he had hardly any work to do until he went on another business trip.
D)Since business was scarce, his time abroad could not be extended.
E)Business abroad was so good that he could scarcely finish everything on one trip.
Cevap Anahtarı:
60.D 61.A 62.A 63.D 64.E 65.C 66.B 67.E 68.C 69.A 70.B
71.D 72.C 73.B 74.A 75.E
76.D 77.C 78.C 79.B 80.D
81.E 82.D 83.C 84.A 85.C 86.E 87.B